Jerry Ronnebeck, Travel Agent

Since 2003 Jerry has been traveling more than any other time in his life. From getting dive certified in Grand Cayman to a trip along the Amalfi coast in Italy. Of course there have been a number of trips to Disneyland in Anaheim, CA and Disney World in Orlando. Florida. During one of the trips he organized he became known as “Camp Director” due to all the planning he would do for the trips. The nickname stuck with him and he continued to plan bigger trips for family and friends. He planned a group trip known as “The Music Trip” starting in New Orleans then to Memphis and finishing in Nashville. There was also a group trip to Florence and Venice in Italy.


It was not until recently though he took the next step in becoming a travel advisor and joined Magical Horizons Travel. The slogan, “Where Dreams and Journeys come to Life”, says it all about how the travel planning will be provided to the clients.


Amanda Morris, Travel Agent


McKenzie McDonald Christensen, Travel Agent